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98-364 Microsoft Database Fundamentals update: 02-06-2025

98-367   (168 Q&As)
98-366   (197 Q&As)
98-361   (164 Q&As)
98-383   (40 Q&As)
98-368   (66 Q&As)
98-381   (40 Q&As)
98-382   (39 Q&As)
98-375   (89 Q&As)
98-349   (210 Q&As)
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Customer Feedback

Passed 70-740 exam

Thanks very much for the 70-740 dump. i will work it on to get the best in life. it is so great.

Passed 70-357 exam

Passed with 95%,I take the 70-357 test and pass with 95%.

Passed MB2-716 exam

Thanks very much for your study guides, with your help i only use 3 weeks to take the MB2-716 exam. Your study guides are very very good.

Passed MB2-713 exam

This dump is valid. I just pass the exam with it. The answers are accurate.

passed 70-741 exam

I just passed my 70-741 exam,With 70-741 exam, I could prepare really well for 70-741 exam. This 70-741 exam helped me identify both my strong and weak points. Thanks.

MTA Certification

Examsell is professional MTA certification tests supplier. Examsell provides traced service for all customers who have purchased the tests and provides free update in one year after you purchase the test.

MTA test is organized by our professional experts according to the latest MTA certification study guides, which are helpful in your preparation. You only need to study this study guide before you take MTA certification exam. This study guide is helpful for you to complete the test easily.

Examsell MTA study guide provide PDF and Soft versions, which is convenient for you to choose the suitable way to study MTA knowledge.

Microsoft MTA certification is one of widely recognized technical certifications in the industry. Candidates pay highly attention to it. Obtain Microsoft MTA certification can not only prove your IT technical ability, is the stepping stone for to enter the workplace, but also, it is another shortcut to improve your worth.

MTA Exams
98-365  Windows Server Administration Fundamentals
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98-366  MTA Networking Fundamentals
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98-349  Windows Operating System Fundamentals
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98-364  Microsoft Database Fundamentals
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98-367  Security Fundamentals
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98-372  Microsoft .NET Fundamentals
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98-361  Microsoft MTA Software Development Fundamentals
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98-379  Software Testing Fundamentals
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98-362  Windows Development Fundamentals
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98-363  Web Development Fundamentals
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98-380  Introduction to Programming Using Block-Based Languages (Touch Develop)
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98-382  Introduction to Programming Using JavaScript
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98-381  Introduction to Programming Using Python
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98-369  Cloud Fundamentals
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98-373  Mobile Development Fundamentals
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98-368  Mobility and Devices Fundamentals
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98-374  MTA: Gaming Development Fundamentals
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98-375  HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals
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98-383  Introduction to Programming Using HTML and CSS
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98-388  Introduction to Programming Using Java
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Montag-Samstag [9:00-18:00]   

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